living with women by john peery 3D cover

John Peery is that poetic master who sees the beauty in grey as well as the rainbow celebrations fueled by the sun. Living with Women and the World Around Us examines the challenges of growing old, the battle against the encroaching obsolescence of the body and the mind, and explores the young attempting to find their footing in the world. John examines the closeness between a man and a woman, from early attempts at connection to the more mature relationships that can develop, with all of the bumps and bruises along with the wondrous joys companionship can bring. He celebrates his connection to the world around him: the moon, stars, sunsets and sunrises, trees, and the ever-changing seasons in which he is an enthusiastic participant. Writing is his occupation today and tomorrow. His passion is exploring and searching for brilliance in self-awareness, with others and the world around him.

from the poem GREY

Rainbow pageants are easy to capture, bright on the lens
It is finding the beauty in the unbroken grey
That differentiates the master from the casual recorder
The eye that is exquisite in the nurturing of the day
The one who will record the beauty of grey.

Book Available in Paperback and eBook

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About the Author

Reared with three sisters, married for the first time at 19, then married to his second wife for 47 years plus three years of “living in sin,” coupled with working in a profession that is predominately female (public education) means John has indeed “Lived With Women” his entire life. He was the first in his family to attend college, earning a BA and an MA from Northern Colorado and a JD from Denver University. When he started his law degree his mother said, “Don’t you have enough degrees already?” He smiled and said, “One more.” He was a passionate middle school teacher, principal, and central administrator for 48 years, earning his law degree while teaching. When he finally retired, he accelerated his interests as a gardener and learned to use the bounty to become a skilled cook, especially the varied cuisines of Italy. John enjoys good food and fine wines, has traveled extensively, both internationally and domestically, and has focused on his golf travels, eventually playing golf in all 50 states. He is thrilled by live theatre and exhibits a life-long enthusiasm for performance. John is currently fascinated by the aging process, the ongoing march toward obsolescence in mind and body, and the struggle to stay physical and alert. He is currently living alone in downtown Littleton, Colorado where he has cultivated relationships that he maintains regularly. He dreams daily and continues to put one foot in front of the other.

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